In Visual C++ MFC there is an inbuilt mechanism for setting the menu item states. I am trying to do the same with C# and a WindowsForm object.
I found this which is not quite the same:
Grey out menustrip items when certain forms are open/active/focused
Here is my menu structure:
So, I decided to try this:
private void viewToolStripMenuView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
zoomExtentsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = viewCtrl != null;
It kind of works. But I am a bit picky. I can see the menu displayed with the item enabled and then I see it change to disabled.
What is the right way to set the menu item states before the menu is displayed? I know this sounds like a simple issue but I can't find the equivalent methodology to ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI.
I was using the wrong event handler!
private void viewToolStripMenuView_DropDownOpening(object sender, EventArgs e)
zoomExtentsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = viewCtrl != null;