I am returning an SKNode
from one function and I need to cast it to a custom SKNode
. I get the error Cannot assign value of
SKNodeto type
GroundNode. If I force cast, it compiles, but fails at runtime. What am I missing?
// Custom node class
class GroundNode: SKNode {
weak var entity: GKEntity!
// Return node function
func returnNode() -> SKNode {
return node
// Where I am getting the error
func setupNode() {
var ground: GroundNode
ground = returnNode() // error here.
//// ground = returnNode() as! GroundNode fails at runtime.
EDIT: I am getting an SKNode
from an sks file. My returnNode()
just get the child with name, and returns it to my setupNode()
function. I need to add the entity property, so I want to cast my returned SKNode
to a GroundNode
I have seen this stackoverflow post.
This works with SKSpiteNode
, but apparently not with SKNode
, which does not make much sense to me.
If I cast my SKNode
from my sks file to a GroundNode
, it crashes at runtime.
Based on your code:
// Custom node class
class GroundNode: SKNode {
weak var entity: GKEntity! = GKEntity() // or some custom initialization...
// Where I am getting the error
func setupNode() {
var ground: GroundNode
ground = returnNode() as? GroundNode
This happened because returnNode output is a generic SKNode and you must explicit your casting to the subclassed GroundNode.
EDIT: Ok, with your update I think I've understand your issue, you've forgot to set the custom class for your GroundNode: