I am trying to bind a member function to an object while keeping the arguments open. I know I can do it by wrapping it in a lambda expression (like this) but I want to use std::bind and std::placeholders to do it.
So far this is what I've got:
template <size_t _Num>
struct place_holder {};
namespace std {
template <size_t _Num>
struct is_placeholder<::place_holder<_Num>> : integral_constant<size_t, _Num> {};
namespace _binding_helper_ {
template <size_t ... _Indices>
std::tuple<place_holder<_Indices>...> get_placeholders(std::index_sequence<_Indices...>) {
return std::make_tuple(place_holder<_Indices>()...);
template <typename _Obj, typename _Func, typename ... _Args>
std::function<_Func(_Args...)> bind_function_to_object
(_Func (_Obj::*func)(_Args...), _Obj & obj) {
return std::bind(func, obj,
Creating the tuple of place_holders works fine but when I call std::is_placeholder<>::value on the elements of the tuple they are all 0. How can I initialise the place_holder<_Num> struct for all required values of _Num as std::placeholders? Hope there's an easy fix. Any help appreciated. Thanks!
Placeholders are numbered from 1
, not from 0
. I presume what fails in your static_assert
is the condition std::is_placeholder<place_holder<0>>{}
, for the reason I mentioned.
Also, you are passing a tuple of placeholders to std::bind
. Instead, you should pass the placeholders directly, That is, place_holder<Is + 1>{}...
template <int Num>
struct place_holder {};
namespace std
template <int Num>
struct is_placeholder<::place_holder<Num>> : integral_constant<int, Num> {};
template <typename Obj, typename C, typename Func, typename... Args, int... Is>
std::function<Func(Args...)> bind_function_to_object(Func(C::*func)(Args...), Obj&& obj, std::integer_sequence<int, Is...>)
return std::bind(func, std::forward<Obj>(obj), place_holder<Is + 1>{}...);
template <typename Obj, typename C, typename Func, typename... Args>
std::function<Func(Args...)> bind_function_to_object(Func(C::*func)(Args...), Obj&& obj)
return bind_function_to_object(func, std::forward<Obj>(obj), std::make_integer_sequence<int, sizeof...(Args)>{});