Presumably, not a whole lot of configuration is required - docs. The gem doesn't seem to work. Relevant code:
source ''
ruby '2.2.4'
gem 'sinatra'
gem 'thin'
gem 'slim'
gem 'json'
gem 'mongoid'
gem 'kaminari'
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
require 'mongoid'
require 'kaminari'
# Mongoid class
class Affiliate
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
# MongoDB connection info and whatnot
Mongoid.load!('mongoid.yml', :development)
get '/kaminari' do
NoMethodError - undefined method `page' for Affiliate:Class
The error message states you can't page a class. Also, calling count
on paginated data set isn't a correct use. Instead, first add some selection criteria to the class and then try to page the results. With respect to Mongoid, an example would be:
@paginated_users = User.where(:age.gte => 10).page(10)
By default, kaminari returns 25 items per page, you can change that by appending a per(desired number of items per page)
method like so,
@paginated_users = User.where(:age.gte => 10).page(10).per(5)
Lastly, make sure you add a <%= paginate @paginated_users %>
(the same variable name declared in your web.rb that contains the dataset to be paginated in the view) in your corresponding view file.