Is there a possibility to generate bookmarks (for DDX table of content) with Coldfusion or DDX without starting a new page?
Coldfusion gives us the possibility to generate pdf-bookmarks with:
<cfdocumentsection name=""></cfdocumentsection>
But this also creates a new page.
All help is welcome.
<cfdocument name="myPdf" format="PDF">
<cfdocumentsection name="section 1">
This is section 1
<cfdocumentsection name="section 2">
This is section 2
<cfdocumentsection name="section 3">
This is section 3
<cfprocessingdirective suppressWhitespace="true">
<cfcontent type="application/pdf" reset="true" variable="#tobinary(myPdf)#"/>
this results in a pdf document with 3 pages and 3 bookmarks
I found the solution, but it's not easy:
Let's say we have 3 sections of undefined length
<cfsavecontent variable="section1">
<p>This is section 1</p>
<cfsavecontent variable="section2">
<p>This is section 2</p>
<cfsavecontent variable="section3">
<p>This is section 3</p>
<cfset sectionList = 'section1,section2,section3'>
<cfset bookmarkList = "">
<cfset content = "">
<cfset currentPage = 1>
<cfloop list="#sectionList#" index="i">
<cfdocument name="infoPdf" format="PDF" bookmark="false">
Get the page info to know at what page the content will be
<cfpdf action="getinfo" name="pdfInfo" source="infoPdf">
<cfset currentPage = pdfInfo.TotalPages>
<cfset bookmarkList = listAppend(bookmarkList, currentPage)>
<cfset content &= VARIABLES[i]>
<cfdocument name="myPdf" format="PDF" bookmark="false">
<cfset fileWrite(ExpandPath("test.pdf"),myPdf)>
Define bookmark.xml for DDX manipulation
<cfxml variable="bookmarks">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Bookmarks xmlns="" version="1.0">
<cfloop from="1" to="#listlen(sectionList)#" index="i">
<Fit PageNum="#ListGetAt(bookmarkList,i)-1#"/>
<cfset fileWrite(ExpandPath("/bookmarks.xml"),bookmarks)>
DDX file
<cfsavecontent variable="myDDX">
<DDX xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" coldfusion_ddx.xsd">
<PDF result="Out1">
<PDF source="test"/>
<Bookmarks source="inputxml"/>
<PDF result="Out">
<TableOfContents includeInTOC="false" bookmarkTitle="Table of Contents" maxBookmarkLevel="infinite">
<TableOfContentsEntryPattern applicableLevel="all">
<p font-family="Arial" font-size="11pt">
<leader leader-pattern="dotted"/>
<PDF source="Out1"/>
DDX processing
<cfset inputStruct = StructNew()>
<cfset inputStruct.test = 'test.pdf'>
<cfset inputStruct.inputxml = "bookmarks.xml"/>
<cfset outputStruct = StructNew()>
<cfset outputStruct.Out = "CombinedDocument.pdf">
<cfpdf action="processddx" ddxfile="#myddx#" inputfiles="#inputStruct#" outputfiles="#outputStruct#" name="ddxVar">
<cfpdf action="read" source="CombinedDocument.pdf" name="resultPdf">
<cfprocessingdirective suppressWhitespace="true">
<cfcontent type="application/pdf" reset="true" variable="#tobinary(resultPdf)#"/>