I am writing an R package and create documentation using roxygen2. I build the package and the documentation using the button Build & Reload in RStudio. According to RStudio's output, it uses devtools::document(roclets=c('rd', 'namespace'))
to compile the documentation.
I want to use the @family
tag to link together a number of functions in the documentation and this is where my problem occurs. This line
#' @family functions returning some object
is converted in the .Rd file to the following
Other functions.returning.some.object: \code{\link{test2}}
I don't want the dots between the words. I have an older package, where this does not happen, even if I recompile the documentation in the exact same setting as I compile the new package. I can see no fundamental difference between this older package and my new attempt.
I have written a very simple test package, where the problem also occurs. It contains a single R file (testpackage.R
#' Test function 1
#' @param x a number
#' @family functions returning some object
#' @family aggregate functions
#' @export
test1 <- function(x) {
#' Test function 2
#' @param x a number
#' @family functions returning some object
#' @family aggregate functions
#' @export
test2 <- function(x) {
Package: testpackage
Type: Package
Title: Package for testing purposes
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-05-21
Author: Me
Maintainer: Me <me@somewhere.com>
Description: Package for testing purposes
License: GPL-3
NAMESPACE is generated by roxygen. For the documentation test1.Rd
, I get:
% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/testpackage.R
\title{Test function 1}
\item{x}{a number}
Test function 1
Other aggregate.functions: \code{\link{test2}}
Other functions.returning.some.object: \code{\link{test2}}
with the unwanted dots in the \seealso
section. Clearly, the number of words in the @family
tag seems not to matter. I have tried enclosing the text in quotation marks, various kinds of brackets, etc. with no positive effect. Of course, I could edit the Rd files, but this would miss the point of using roxygen2.
R CMD check
runs without warnings or errors on testpackage
Why do these dots appear? And how can I get rid of them?
This is a bug in roxygen2
-- I've logged an issue here. It effectively results from the use of unstack()
, which performs some unwanted conversions.