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How can I make a imageview visible, 5 sec pause, invisible, 5 sec pause and so on

I have an imageView and want it to work like this:

ImageViewer visible

5 second pause

image view invisible

5 second pause

ImageViewer visible

and so on ...

How do I do that? I have tried sleep but it freezes the whole program in 5 seconds. I just want to affect my imageView.


  • I'm not an Android programmer, but, as a general advice, I'd say you should perform the sleep, better said the waiting, on another thread and execute at the end of the waiting period, on the main thread, a method that toggles the visibility of your imageview.

    Getting into more specific detail, I'd say you must use a Handler object because you cannot update most UI objects while in a separate thread. When you send a message to the Handler it will get saved into a queue and get executed by the UI thread as soon as possible:

    public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    // Handler needed for callbacks to the UI thread
    final Handler mHandler = new Handler();
    // Create runnable for posting
    final Runnable mUpdateUIState = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        [ . . . ]
    protected void startToggle() {
        // Fire off a thread to do the waiting
        Thread t = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
    private void updateUiState() {
        // Back in the UI thread -- toggle imageview's visibility
        imageview.setVisibility(1 - imageview.getVisibility());

    or, a snippet of a shorter version,

    Handler handler = new Handler(); 
        handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { 
             public void run() { 
                  imageview.setVisibility(1 - imageview.getVisibility());
        }, 5000); 

    using the postDelayed method, that incorporates the delay within the message posting logic.