I have a mapping ;;
to move to the end of line and insert a colon (useful in c-like languages). And in my scheme.vim
file I have:
iunmap ;;
Problem with this is:
It will try to run this command every time I open a scheme file, at which point it's already unmapped, so I will get a warning.
It will unmap this key globally, so if I open a non-scheme file in the same session, it will not remember this binding.
At the very least I would like to solve #1, and have it only attempt to unmap if the binding is active so that I don't get an error.
It would probably be best to make your ;;
mapping a buffer local mapping based on the 'filetype'
autocmd FileType c,javascript inoremap <buffer> ;; <esc>m'A;<esc>``a
You can add as many filetypes as you need to this mapping. Just separate filetypes with commas.
For more help see:
:h :au
:h :map-local
:h 'filetype'
:h FileType