I have UIViewController in which I've nested UICollectionView. For the UICollectionViewCell I created subclass "MyCell"
I have UITextField in each cell and want to pass the data from the text field back to parenting view controller to update label. The only way I found to update the label is to use NSNotificationCenter and call method to perform the changes and access the data from NSObject class. However, it returns nil value
var dataModel = DataModel() // NSObject class
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(ViewController.updateResultLabel(_:)), name:"update", object: nil)
func updateResultLabel(notification: NSNotification){
resultLabel.text = dataModel.cellData
class MyCell: UICollectionViewCell {
@IBOutlet weak var txtField: UITextField!
@IBAction func updateLabel(){
let cell: UICollectionViewCell = txtField.superview!.superview as! UICollectionViewCell
let table: UICollectionView = cell.superview as! UICollectionView
let textFieldIndexPath = table.indexPathForCell(cell)
let dataModel = DataModel()
dataModel.cellData = txtField.text!
print("txtField: \(txtField.text), row: \(textFieldIndexPath?.row)")
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("update", object: nil)
The action is triggered directly from UITextField - valueChanged in storyboards
import Foundation
class DataModel: NSObject {
var cellData: String?
"print" method from ViewController's method "updateResultLabel" shows "nil". I am obviously doing something wrong, possibly not initialising the string somewhere. Or there might be another way I didn't come across yet perhaps?
How can I pass data from "MyCell" to "ViewController" and update method please?
Thank you
I would use UITextfieldDelegate in the viewcontroller and set the delegate from the viewcontroller in the cells textfield.
Where you populate the cells you can write:
cell.txtField.delegate = self
You can now implement the delegate functions in your controller