I have read to documentation and can't find anything about resolving a type and at the same time override some of its dependencies. Easiest to illustrate with an example
public class A
public A(IServiceA a, IServiceB b) {}
// Resolve scenarion
type =>
// type is A
var a = Container.Resolve<IServiceA>();
a.SomeProperty = "magic";
return Container.Resolve(type) // TODO: How to resolve A using a
Does it make sense? Was looking for something like
return Container.Resolve(type, Rule.Override.TypeOf<IServiceA>(a));
Great job with DryIoc
Edit (2016-05-26) My question was missleading. Below is complete code example (for prism)
ViewModelLocationProvider.SetDefaultViewModelFactory((view, type) =>
var page = view as Page;
if (page != null)
var navigationService = Container.Resolve<INavigationService>();
((IPageAware)navigationService).Page = page;
var @override = Container.Resolve<Func<INavigationService, type>>(); // How to do this
return @override(navigationService);
return Container.Resolve(type);
Resolve as Func with parameter you want to pass:
var factory = Container.Resolve<Func<IServiceA, A>>();
var result = factory(a);
Given the runtime Type to resolve:
type =>
// type is A
var a = Container.Resolve<IServiceA>();
a.SomeProperty = "magic";
// Asking for required service type, but wrapped in Func returning object
var factory = Container.Resolve<Func<IServiceA, object>>(requiredServiceType: type);
return factory(a);