So in my programming class I have to make a text based RPG. The issue I'm having is figuring out what to put inside of my Player_dropItem() function and my Player_keepItem() function. I know what they're supposed to do and I have some kind of an idea for how to do it, however I'm completely stumped as to what to actually put into the functions.
Here's some of my code:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
// Macros ----------------
#define ForAll(m) for(int ndx = 0; ndx < int(m); ndx++)
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::getline;
using std::string;
using std::stringstream;
using std::ofstream; // Output file stream
using std::ifstream; // Input file stream
typedef char const* Directions;
typedef char const* Walls;
typedef int Coord;
typedef char Key;
typedef char Wall;
enum Facing {
kNorth = 0,
enum ItemKind {
ItemKind_detail = 0,
Directions gDirections[] = {
// Player ----------------
const int kInventoryItemsMax = 10;
struct Player{
int facing;
int row, col;
Item* inventory[kInventoryItemsMax];
// return a count of all items in player's inventory
int Player_inventoryCount(Player& p)
int inventoryCount = sizeof(p.inventory) / sizeof(p.inventory[0]);
return inventoryCount;
// Find empty slot in player's inventory and keep item
// Return true if kept - false if not (inventory at max)
bool Player_keepItem(Player& p, Item* item)
ForAll(p.inventory) {
if (p.inventory == 0){
return true;
else {
return false;
// Searches inventory for itemName.
// if found removes from inventory
// returns item* if found or nullptr if not.
Item* Player_dropItem(Player& p, string& itemName)
ForAll(p.inventory) {
if (itemName == ) {
return p.inventory;
else if (itemName != ) {
return nullptr;
// Print player inventory to console
void Player_printInventory(Player& p)
int inventoryCount = sizeof(p.inventory) / sizeof(p.inventory[0]);
ForAll(inventoryCount) {
cout << ndx;
// Items from file
struct Item {
int id,
string name,
That should be it but if it helps I can put more code up. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Based on your requirements, here are some fixes:
First, it's important the inventory
array gets initialized to null, since null will mark an empty slot:
struct Player {
int facing;
int row, col;
Item* inventory[kInventoryItemsMax] = {nullptr};
Next, count the items by counting the non-null items:
int Player_inventoryCount(Player& p)
int inventoryCount= 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kInventoryItemsMax; i++) {
if (nullptr != p.inventory[i]) {
inventoryCount += 1;
return inventoryCount;
To drop an item, set it to null:
Item* Player_dropItem(Player& p, string& itemName)
for (int i = 0; i < kInventoryItemsMax; i++) {
// Check for match - skipping null items
if (nullptr != p.inventory[i] && itemName == p.inventory[i]->name) {
// Temporarily store the pointer
Item *temp = p.inventory[i];
// Set it to null in the array to mark as dropped
p.inventory[i] = nullptr;
// Return the item
return temp;
// Not found - return null
return nullptr;