I am trying to create a script to grab the current number of running processes and the if that number is over 1000 then send me an email. I am trying to do this in a bash script that I will just use a cron job to call it. The code I am using is below and I am sure I just have something out of place and just need another set of eyes.
PCOUNT=$(cat /proc/loadavg|awk '{print $4}'|awk -F/ '{print $2}')
if [$PCOUNT > 100]; then
mail -s "Process Count" email@example.com
After alot of trial and error I finally found a solution. I ended up taking the output of the awk statement and writing it to a file. I then cat the file and send the output to mail.
PCOUNT=$(awk -F" |/" '{print $5}' /proc/loadavg)
if ((PCOUNT>1000)); then
echo "Number of Running Processes is" $PCOUNT >>/tmp/mail.txt
cat /tmp/mail.txt | mail -s "Number of processes is rising" example@email.com