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Including both adminCenter-1.0 and batchManagement-1.0 features in server.xml giving feature conflict error in Liberty

I am using WebSphere Application Server and I am using batchManagement-1.0 and adminCenter-1.0 in my featureManager list like below


server.xml is showing below warning

['adminCenter-1.0' --> 'restConnector-1.0' --> 'jaxrs-1.1' --> ''] and ['batchManagement-1.0' --> 'batch-1.0' --> ''] features are in conflict. Select a compatible set of features.

May I know how to solve this problems?

My Server.xml is like below,

<server description="new server">

    <!-- Enable features -->

    <!--  The default self-signed SSL certificate in this example
      is intended only for development use and not for production. -->

    <keyStore id="defaultKeyStore" password="Liberty"/> 

    <basicRegistry id="basic" realm="ibm/api">
       <user name="bob" password="bobpwd"/>

    <!-- To access this server from a remote client add a host attribute to the following element, e.g. host="*" -->
    <httpEndpoint host="*" httpPort="9080" httpsPort="9443" id="defaultHttpEndpoint"/>

    <!-- Automatically expand WAR files and EAR files -->
    <applicationManager autoExpand="true"/>
    <!-- Batch persistence config.  References a databaseStore. -->
    <batchPersistence jobStoreRef="BatchDatabaseStore"/>

    <!-- The database store for the batch tables.  -->
    <!-- Note this database store is referenced by the batchPersistence element. -->
    <databaseStore dataSourceRef="batchDB" id="BatchDatabaseStore" schema="JBATCH" tablePrefix=""/>

    <!-- Derby JDBC driver -->
    <!-- Note this library is referenced by the dataSource element -->
    <library id="DerbyLib">
        <fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/resources/derby"/>
    <dataSource id="batchDB" isolationLevel="TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ" syncQueryTimeoutWithTransactionTimeout="false">
        <jdbcDriver libraryRef="DerbyLib"/>
        <properties.derby.embedded createDatabase="create" databaseName="${server.config.dir}/resources/RUNTIMEDB" password="pass" user="user"/>

    <!-- Posgres DB Entries 
    <dataSource id="PostgresSample" jndiName="jdbc/SKLocal" type="javax.sql.XADataSource">
       <jdbcDriver javax.sql.XADataSource="org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource"  libraryRef="PostgresJDBCLib"/>
          <properties databaseName="postgres" password="****" portNumber="5433" serverName="localhost" user="postgres"/>
   <library id="PostgresJDBCLib">
    <fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/resources/posgres" includes="*.jar"/>

    <!-- Posgres DB Entries END -->
    <!-- DB2 Data Source Starts -->
    <dataSource connectionSharing="MatchOriginalRequest" id="DB2DataSource" jndiName="jdbc/db2" type="javax.sql.XADataSource">
      <jdbcDriver javax.sql.XADataSource="" libraryRef="DB2JCC4Lib"/>      
       <!--  <properties.db2.jcc databaseName="IDSSTG" password="****" portNumber="50000" serverName="****" user="****"/>-->
       <properties.db2.jcc databaseName="PNENDB2" password="****" portNumber="50000" serverName="****" user="****"/>
    <library id="DB2JCC4Lib">
      <fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/resources/db2" includes="*.jar"/>
    <!--  DB2 Data Source Ends -->

    <library id="cacheLibrary">
          <fileset dir="${server.config.dir}/resources/cache" includes="*.jar"/>

   <application id="myapp" location="ReadingFromDBSampleWAR.war" name="ReadingFromDBSampleWAR" type="war">
     <classloader commonLibraryRef="cacheLibrary"/>

    <applicationMonitor updateTrigger="mbean"/>

    <webApplication id="ReadingFromDBSampleWAR" location="ReadingFromDBSampleWAR.war" name="ReadingFromDBSampleWAR"/>


  • Update:

    Looks like this problem is similar a fix that went into 8559.

    If you update to an 8559 version of Liberty this should solve your problem.

    Extra Info:

    Check out this link of all the Liberty features:

    This is a link to the batchManagement feature:

    From the link you can see that servlet-3.1 and batch-1.0 are enabled by the batchManagement feature. Then if you look into the servlet-3.1 article you will see that adminCenter-1.0 is enabled by that feature as well.