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Error on CommandBinding in Infragistics XamRichTextEditor

My Infragistics-Version is 15.1.20151.2188.

I'm trying to reproduce the sample from Infragistics Sample Browser which binds Infra-commands to buttons in a custom toolbar and linking them to a XamRichTextEditor like this:

<ig:XamRichTextEditor AllowDocumentViewSplitting="True" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" />
<ToolBar DockPanel.Dock="Top">
    <Button Content="F" Width="32" Height="32" Margin="0,0,5,0">
            <igPrim:RichTextEditorCommandSource EventName="Click" CommandType="ToggleBoldFormatting" />

Here are the namespace definitions:


During design time I get the following error (crash at runtime is happening too) in Visual Studio:

The specified value cannot be assinged. The following type was expected: 'CommandSource'

Here the screenshot:

VS designer error

I checked RichTextEditorCommandSource using Object Browser:

Type is correct

As you can see, RichTextEditorCommandSource inherits from CommandSource.

I guess I'm missing a reference or something like this. Any suggestions?


  • Solution was that for some reason I had to re-reference Infragistics.WPF4.v15.1.dll. I have only one version installed on my system and yes I restartet the VS and made a clean rebuild before I placed the question. Strange.