I'm trying to convert xls sheets to CSV files.
workbook1 = xlrd.open_workbook(path+'diseaseData.xls')
for sheet in workbook1.sheet_names():
sh = workbook1.sheet_by_name(sheet)
csvFile = open('//....../disease-'+sheet+'.csv', 'w')
wr = csv.writer(csvFile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for rownum in range(sh.nrows):
# print (sh.row_values(rownum))
it works but the outputted CSV's have an empty line after each line
"ID","Caption","Sequela type","Visible",""
"acute","Symptomatic infection","acute","1",""
"asymptomatic","Asymptomatic infection","sequela","1",""
"ards_long","Permanent disability due to ARDS","sequela","1",""
"fatalAcute","Fatal cases","sequela","1",""
How can I tell the wr.writerow that it must overwrite the last character?
I think this would eliminate the extra carriage returns.
I tried .strip('\n')
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip'
You don't need to go back one character. Just use the lineterminator argument for csv writer.
wr = csv.writer(csvFile, lineterminator='\n')
Other thread about this behavior e.g. here.