I'm implementing a custom image uploader iin Textangular that upload/retrieve images from Dropbox using the Dropbox Chooser. It works, and the image is inserted into the text, but I cannot resize it.
Normally if you hover on images than you'll see a pop-up like menu with options to resize the image. This is not happening.
The code should be pretty simple, but I cannot find where the issues is.
// custom button in textAngular
$provide.decorator('taOptions', ['taRegisterTool', '$delegate', function(taRegisterTool, taOptions){
var that;
// options for the dropbox choser
var options = {
// Required. Called when a user selects an item in the Chooser.
success: function(files) {
that.$editor().wrapSelection('insertImage', files[0].link);
linkType: "direct", // or "direct"
extensions: ['images'],
taRegisterTool('DropboxChooser', {
iconclass: "fa fa-picture-o",
action: function(){
// makes the editor available outside
that = this;
// launches the dropbox chooser
// add the button to the default toolbar definition
return taOptions;
Any idea?
I fixed it.
so looking at the original code we can see that in the insertImage snippet we have the following:
taRegisterTool('insertImage', {
iconclass: 'fa fa-picture-o',
tooltiptext: taTranslations.insertImage.tooltip,
action: function(){
//bla bla bla );
}, // here comes the interesting part
onElementSelect: {
element: 'img',
action: taToolFunctions.imgOnSelectAction
so what we have to do is import taToolFunctions and we can do the same:
$provide.decorator('taOptions', ['taRegisterTool', 'taToolFunctions', '$delegate', function(taRegisterTool, taToolFunctions, taOptions){