I have a Genetic Algorithm and mixed-integer programming model of a parallel machine scheduling problem. But mathematical model takes too much time to solve the problem and unlikely genetic algorithm takes less time but doesn't show the optimal solution. So I am curious about if it is impossible to take solution from the Genetic Algorithms and to set them as a starting point into the math programming. Is it possible in fact?
With the assumption, that you use a classical Branch and Bound MIP-Solver, it will help the solver up to a certain amount, if u supply heuristic solutions (for example by the corresponding callback). Not only one, you can supply even more to the solution pool.
So try to give for first big allowed gap for the objective value. Then try to pass several good (and different solutions) to the MIP-Solver for example by the corresponding heuristic callback. If it still not works acceptable, try to find some literature for your problem. But I think, the MathOverflow-Forum is more suited for those model topics (and propably, you will find there more skilled opinions for this topic than here).