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C++ bi-directional association: object access with smart pointers seems to corrupt the instance

I had a bi-directional object association implemented with raw pointers and it worked without flaw. Then I decided to refactor my code with smart pointers and all of a sudden a string member (depName) of one of the classes (Department) is no longer accesssible after object initialization. I checked if the parameter gets passed correctly and in the constructor everything is ok. The member gets the intended value. But afterwards it is no longer accessible and in addition to that the code that ran smoothly before, now crashes. I have no clue why.

EDIT: The same seems to be happening to the string variable name used for in the Manager class. END EDIT

  • The code compiles without errors or even warnings.
  • I'm working with qt creator 3.3.0 and mingw compiler 5.4.0
  • The System claims there is a "Segmentation fault".

This is my code (sorry it's a lot - I reduced it as much as I dared):

in the header files:

    class Manager;
    class Department
        string depName;
        shared_ptr<Manager> head;
        vector <shared_ptr<Manager>> depMembers;
        Department(string depName, shared_ptr<Manager> head);
        virtual ~Department();
        string getDepName() const;
        void setDepName(const string &value);
        void addMember(shared_ptr<Manager> newMember);
        void removeMember(shared_ptr<Manager> who);
        const shared_ptr<Manager>getHead() const;
        void setHead(shared_ptr<Manager>value);
        double sumOfIncome();
        void show();
    class Department;
    class  Manager
            string name;
            float salary;
            float bonus;//Bonus ist ein Prozentsatz
            weak_ptr<Department> myDepartment;
    //        Department * myDepartment; //With this raw pointer the code still worked*
            Manager(string, float, float);
            virtual ~Manager();
            float income()const ;
            string toString()const ;
            double calcBonus() const;
            shared_ptr<Department> getMyDepartment() const;
            void setMyDepartment(shared_ptr<Department> abt);
            float getSalary() const;
            string getName() const;

in the cpp files: department.cpp

    Department::Department(string depName, shared_ptr<Manager>head)
        cout << "\nIn constructor parameter depName: " + depName;
        cout << "\n instancevariable " + this->depName << endl;
    string Department::getDepName() const
        return this->depName;
    void Department::setDepName(const string &value)
        depName = value;
    void Department::addMember(shared_ptr<Manager> newMember)
    void Department::removeMember(shared_ptr<Manager> who)
        vector<shared_ptr<Manager>>::iterator itMember = depMembers.begin();
        //Iterator must be dereferenced to access data
        while( *itMember != who){
        if( *itMember == who)
            depMembers.erase( itMember);
    const shared_ptr<Manager> Department::getHead() const
        return head;
    void Department::setHead(shared_ptr<Manager>value)
        if( head != nullptr && head->getMyDepartment()!= nullptr)
            head->setMyDepartment(nullptr);//department of old head is deleted

        //new head of department assigned
        head = value;
        //bidirektionaler access
        if(head !=nullptr)
            head->setMyDepartment( shared_ptr<Department>(this));
    double Department::sumOfIncome()
        double sum = 0;
        for(unsigned int i=0; i < depMembers.size(); i++){
            sum += depMembers[i]->getSalary() ;
        return sum;
    void Department::show()
        cout <<"----------------" << endl;
        cout << "Department: " << this->depName << " run by " << head->getName()<<endl;
        cout <<"----------------" << endl;
        cout << "Members: " << endl;
        cout <<"----------------" << endl;
        cout << head->toString() << endl;
        for( unsigned int i=0; i < depMembers.size() ; i++){
            cout <<"----------------" << endl;
            cout << depMembers[i]->toString()<< endl;
        cout <<"----------------" << endl;


    float Manager::getSalary() const
        return salary;
    string Manager::getName() const
        return name;
    Manager::Manager(string n, float s, float bon)
        :name(n),salary(s), bonus(bon)
    float Manager::income()const
        return (salary + calcBonus() );
    string Manager::toString() const
        stringstream ss;
        ss << name << "\n heads the department ";
        shared_ptr<Department> dep = myDepartment.lock();
        if( dep !=nullptr)
            ss<< dep->getDepName();
        else ss << " NONE ";
        ss << "\nBonus: " << calcBonus();
        ss << "\nIncome: " << income();
        return ss.str();
    double Manager::calcBonus()const
        shared_ptr<Department> dep = myDepartment.lock();
        if(dep != nullptr)
            return dep->sumOfIncome()* bonus;
            return 0;

    shared_ptr<Department> Manager::getMyDepartment() const
    //    if( !meineAbteilung->expired())
        return myDepartment.lock();
    void Manager::setMyDepartment( shared_ptr<Department> dep)
        myDepartment = dep;

test run:

    int main(){
        shared_ptr<Department> itDepartment 
            = make_shared<Department>("IT",make_shared<Manager>("Julia", 66066, 0.15));

        return 0;


  • I could tag John Zwinck's answer as correct - (thank you John!), but I myself needed more information to understand the issue, so I have decided to post my own answer.

    There are 2 problems with my approach:

    1. shared_ptr should never be made from raw pointer-variables, because each initialization of a shared_ptr from a raw pointer will create a new manager-object with its own reference count. An existing manager-object will only get used if a new shared_ptr is created from one of the shared_ptrs or weak_ptrs of the existing manager-object. (Somehow the book I read managed to omit this important bit of information.) this is a raw pointer, so in my constructor of Department a second manager-object is created. The reference count of the second manager-object decreases to 0 as soon as the constructor is left - deleting the object I just finished creating. A shared_ptr should therefore never be created from this itself. It's a fatal flaw.
    2. Since in bidirectional associations the object needs to pass on a pointer to itself, the C++-library contains a class enable_shared_from_this, which supplies some template magic to make a shared_ptr from this in the background. Unfortunately shared_from_this() is not available in the constructor, because the object-build is not finished. The conclusion is, that an object cannot pass a reference to itself another object in the constructor. There is just no way to get that to work. A workaround, calling setHead() directly after the constructor is the way out. Coming from Java, where passing this from the constructor is the norm, this is something you just have to live with...

    Apart from John Zwinck nudging me in the right direction, I found a paper from David Kieras very helpful: