I'm trying to insert a lot of data into my neo4j db. After reading some opinions I've decided to use load2neo to do so.
I've parsed my data in the geoff format.
Inserted the line org.neo4j.server.database.location=/Users/Lucas/Documents/Neo4j/testdb.load2neo=/load2neo
at my database properties file and placed the two .jar files at /Applications/Neo4j\ Community\ Edition.app/Contents/Resources/app/plugins
but when I try to run the Bulk Load command line: curl -X POST http://localhost:7474/load2neo/load/geoff -d
nothing happens.
I run it at the same directory where my geoff file is (which is not the same directory as the server, is that a problem?) and while my server is on at http://localhost:7474/
but nothing happens.
Can someone point out what am I missing here? It looks like a simple mistake but I can't find where is it. Thanks!
However is trying to insert huge amounts of data into Neo4j should go for the .CSV batch method. I've tried a couple of different methods and this was the only one that worked for me.