I have a file TestProject.dll and it resides in different locations on my computer like D:\Folder1\TestProject.dll
, D:\Test\Info\TestProject.dll
I want to find all these locations wherever it is located and prepare a text file (SearchResults.txt) which looks like as shown below:
I want to do this using a batch scripting file. I am new to this scripting. Please help me here.
use dir /s /b
to search in a single drive.
Build a loop around that to check every disk.
put the complete output into a file.
for /f %%a in ('wmic logicaldisk where "drivetype=3" get caption^,size^|find ":"') do (
echo now checking drive %%a...
dir /b /s %%a\TestProject.dll
Note: we don't really need the size here, this is only one of several ways to come around wmic
's ugly line endings, that would ruin the rest of the code
where drivetype=3
means "Harddisks only" (drop it, if you want to search in all drivetypes (Thumbdrives, CD, whatever)
Remember: this will search through your whole file system(s), so it will need some time.