How do I configure the https proxy to be used by the gradle-vfs plugin? It does seem to ignore the normal java/gradle proxy configuration.
Full Details
Based on this gradle file I try to use gradle to create reveal.js slides from asciidocs.
I have configured the proxy settings using a file with content similar to this:
While this configuration works for gradle, when performing java builds (it downloads plugin and dependencies), vfs which is used in the reference build file fails:
:download FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file 'D:\workspaces\myproject\build.gradle' line: 47
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':download'.
> Could not connect to HTTP server on "".
Line 47 is the first beginning with cp
in this block:
task download << {
mkdir downloadDir
vfs {
cp "zip:${asciidoctorBackendVersion}.zip!asciidoctor-reveal.js-${asciidoctorBackendVersion}",
templateDir, recursive:true, overwrite:true
cp "zip:${revealjsVersion}.zip!reveal.js-${revealjsVersion}",
revealjsDir, recursive:true, overwrite:true
One (my) solution is to add vfs options defining the Proxy parameters. This could be more sophisticated e.g. by building a task to derive the parameters from the system environment, but this one works:
task download << {
mkdir downloadDir
vfs {
options 'vfs.http.proxyHost' : 'mylocalsquid.lokal'
options 'vfs.http.proxyPort' : '3128'
options 'vfs.https.proxyHost' : 'mylocalsquid.lokal'
options 'vfs.https.proxyPort' : '3128'
cp "zip:${asciidoctorBackendVersion}.zip!asciidoctor-reveal.js-${asciidoctorBackendVersion}",
templateDir, recursive:true, overwrite:true
cp "zip:${revealjsVersion}.zip!reveal.js-${revealjsVersion}",
revealjsDir, recursive:true, overwrite:true
This was derived from the documentation at