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Pybuilder - Non-python files are not packaged

My current project is in python. For build package generation + unit test running, I'm using Pybuilder utility and it is pretty cool. I used the wheel distribution to install the module in other systems.

There exist a config file from which certain settings are read by the application. settings.ini file is in following path,

     |---- src
                     |- foo
                         |- conf
                         |   |- settings.ini

pybuilder automatically creates from the script. The problem is that the binary wheel distribution is not packaging the non-python files(*.ini file). While searching on SO posts, got information like adding in will resolve this issue. But while adding

 project._manifest_include_directory('foo/conf', ('*.ini',))

It only updated foo/conf/settings.ini in sdist and not on the bdist(wheel). I want the wheel file to include settings.ini in the conf/ directory. On googling, got information that addition of package_data field in will resolve this issue. But with Pybuilder's, I'm unable to do this successfully.

Can any one help me to resolve this issue?


  • I've emailed Max(, who is one among the contributor of PyBuilder code in github. He suggested me to try project.install_file() option.

    I tried that option and it worked for me. Thanks to Max. I want to share that info in this thread, so that it will be useful to someone in future !

    In the background project.install_file() is modifying data_files part of of distutils.

    My configuration in the are as follows,

    def initialize (project):
        # File is installed relative to sys.prefix