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How to config image size returned using omniauth-google-oauth2?

I try to config the omniauth-google-oauth2 with devise in my Rails app:

config.omniauth :google_oauth2, GOOGLE_APP_ID, GOOGLE_APP_SECRET, {
    scope: 'email, profile, plus.login',
    provider_ignores_state: true,
    prompt: 'select_account',
    image_aspect_ratio: 'square',
    image_size: 50,
    skip_jwt: true

This work but I try to config the image_size to be larger:

image_size: 100,


image_size: {width: 100, height: 100}, 

Based on this documentation, and it doesn't work, it always returns the image url like

This issue was raised at Rails devise with omniauth-google-oauth2 image size does not work as well, but no result on that!

Don't tell me to write this kind of hard code:

url = ""
url = url.sub('?sz=50', '?sz=100')

Is there another way to achieve this?


  • There was an issue on Github about this. The fix is implemented in the new gems. For me it helped to simply update the omniauth-google-oauth2 gem to a version >0.2.6.

    Try bundle update omniauth-google-oauth2 or define a specific version in your Gemfile:

    gem "omniauth-google-oauth2", "~> 0.4.1"