I have some questions about sending email messages from Windows Store Apps (Windows 8.1, C#, Visual Studio 2013).
I need to:
I am using Data Transfer Manager (https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/br205932) to send mails with subject, HTML content and attached files. But I can't find the way to set recipient email address.
If I don't need to set HTML content and attach files, then I can use mailto to set recipient, subject and text content. Another advantage of mailto is calling MS Outlook. But there is no way to set HTML content and, what is more important - attach files.
My questions are:
If you are looking to send email with multiple attachment this sample for windows store app, this code should get you send email with.
Allow less secure app Access to send Email From Gmail Account.
Click on View Raw link on Github to download Sample app.