I'm using Delphi XE5 and have a VCL application, where i show different images made by camera in a TImage component. The camera saved additional information e.g. GPS-coordinates, creation date, and so on.
When i show the picture i also want to show serveral additional information.
I tried the CCR.Exif library but it seems it didn't work with Delphi XE5 within a VCL application because i get several compile errors.
How can i get the metainformation of the picture?
CCR Exif does work on XE5 as Chris explains in this blog post: https://delphihaven.wordpress.com/2014/02/02/ccr-exif-v1-5-3-android-app-in-google-play/
You presumably have an out of date version of the library. Get the latest version from the source control repo: https://github.com/esmondb/ccr-exif