I have two tables:
t_shipment, which contains shipper_account, ship_value, and ship_date (among others, which are irrelevant for this
t_customer, which contains account_number and ship_fee (ship fee is the percentage charged to each shipment, and the number varies by account) (likewise, the table contains other fields as well)
I need to calculate the sum for all the transactions done by an account in a day from t_shipment, then multiply it by their corresponding ship_fee in t_customer.
Then I have tried this:
SELECT SUM(ship_value * (ship_fee)) as calculated_value
FROM t_shipment
INNER JOIN t_customer
ON shipper_account = account_number
But it doesn't look right. I want to make sure that the
SUM(cod_value * (cod_fee/100))
part indeed returns the sum of each shipper's ship_value multiplied by their own ship_fee. (e.g., rather than it being the SUM of all ship_value from all shippers multiplied by the SUM of all the ship_fee.
e.g. if I had sets of data:
|shipper_account | ship_value | ship_date |
|1000000000 | 240 |(some date)|
|1000000000 | 60 |(some date)|
|2000000000 | 100 |(some date)|
|account_number | ship_fee |
|1000000000 | 0.5 |
|2000000000 | 0.1 |
The results should be:
rather than
So, what would be the simplest solution?
Hope this will work
SELECT SUM(s.ship_value *c.ship_fee) as calculated_value
FROM t_customer as c inner join t_shipment as s
on c.account_number = s.shipper_account
where c.ship_fee is not null
group by c.account_number
SELECT SUM(ship_value * (ship_fee)) as calculated_value
FROM t_shipment INNER JOIN t_customer
ON shipper_account = account_number
WHERE ship_fee IS NOT NULL GROUP BY account_number;