I already have a code for weighted score.
def weighted_total_score(student_scores):
I would like to call weighted_score in my new function overall_grade. How do i call weighted_score so that it gives me the correct answer? Currently when my code is executed, for example, I am getting F instead of C.
def overall_grade(weighted_total_score):
if (weighted_total_score >=93):
print("The overall student grade is A")
elif (90<=weighted_total_score<93):
print("The overall student grade is A-")
elif (87<=weighted_total_score<90):
print("The overall student grade is B+")
elif (83<=weighted_total_score<87):
print("The overall student grade is B")
elif (80<=weighted_total_score<83):
print("The overall student grade is B-")
elif (77<=weighted_total_score<80):
print("The overall student grade is C+")
elif (73<=weighted_total_score<77):
print("The overall student grade is C")
elif (70<=weighted_total_score<73):
print("The overall student grade is C-")
elif (67<=weighted_total_score<70):
print("The overall student grade is D+")
elif (63<=weighted_total_score<67):
print("The overall student grade is D")
elif (60<=weighted_total_score<63):
print("The overall student grade is D-")
elif (weighted_total_score<60):
print("The overall student grade is F")
How do i call weighted_score?
You call it like any other method...
def overall_grade(scores):
score = weighted_total_score(scores)
Note Don't name your variables or parameters weighted_total_score
because you have a method with that name already. If you referenced your local variables, they would shadow that method, which is generally not good and causes confusion for beginners.
The reason you get F is because weighted_total_score=int()
is the same as weighted_total_score=0
, and your if statements go all the way to the bottom.
Also, tip, you actually don't need both boundaries in your conditions because the condition can "fall through".
And a suggestion, try to write simple methods, then build on top of them. Don't do too much at once. For example, make a method that only returns the letter grade, then have the method that prints the string and uses the result of the other method.
def get_letter_grade(score):
if (93 <= score):
return "A"
elif (90 <= score): # already < 93
return "A-"
elif (87 <= score): # already < 90
return "B+"
# ... etc
else: # < 60
return "F"
def overall_grade(scores):
weighted_score = weighted_total_score(scores)
print("The overall grade is {}".format(get_letter_grade(weighted_score)))