I created a GoogleNet Model via Nvidia DIGITS with two classes (called positive and negative).
If I classify an image with DIGITS, it shows me a nice result like positive: 85.56% and negative: 14.44%.
If it pass that model it into pycaffe's classify.py with the same image, I get a result like array([[ 0.38978559, -0.06033826]], dtype=float32)
So, how do I read/interpret this result? How do I calculate the confidence levels (not sure if this is the right term) shown by DIGITS from the results shown by classify.py
This issue led me to the solution.
As the log shows, the network produces three outputs. Classifier#classify
only returns the first output. So e.g. by changing predictions = out[self.outputs[0]]
to predictions = out[self.outputs[2]]
, I get the desired values.