Suppose, I have some required module attributes that cannot be made required for reasons that would conflict with certain actions such as duplicate. That these attributes are required, can be easily overcome during creation by raising ValidationErrors.
However, I would like to adjust the field parameters in the xml files form view to make these fields appear to the user in blue (as if they were required).
I have tried all of the following
<field name="name" bgcolor="blue" fgcolor="red" color="black" colors="purple"/>
just to see if any of them would work.
I have also reset the local server and updated the module itself, thinking that maybe the xml files are not always reloaded on server-reset.
Any ideas on custom colouring fields in form-view would be very helpful.
You could add them as classes like this:
<field name="name" class="red"/>
.red {
/* additional css here */