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How can I get intellisense in PHP/Eclipse on custom objects pulled out of array in foreach loop?

I have a collection of custom objects (Podcast) in an array.

When I use a foreach loop to iterate through this collection, I don't have code completion on the variable that contains the object pulled out of the collection (as I would in C#/VisualStudio for instance).

Is there a way to give PHP a type hint so that Eclipse knows the type of the object being pulled out of the collection so it can show me the methods on that object in intellisense?

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$podcasts = new Podcasts();
echo $podcasts->getListHtml();

class Podcasts {
    private $collection = array();

    function __construct() {
        $this->collection[] = new Podcast('This is the first one');
        $this->collection[] = new Podcast('This is the second one');
        $this->collection[] = new Podcast('This is the third one');

    public function getListHtml() {
        $r = '';
        if(count($this->collection) > 0) {
            $r .= '<ul>';
            foreach($this->collection as $podcast) {
                $r .= '<li>' . $podcast->getTitle() . '</li>';
            $r .= '</ul>';
        return $r;

class Podcast {

    private $title;

    public function getTitle() { return $this->title; }
    public function setTitle($value) {  $this->title = $value;}

    function __construct($title) {
        $this->title = $title;




Thanks, Fanis, I updated my FOREACH template to include that line automatically:

if(count(${lines}) > 0) {
    foreach(${lines} as ${line}) {
        /* @var $$${var} ${Type} */


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  • Yes, try:

    foreach($this->collection as $podcast) {
        /* @var $podcast Podcast */
        $r .= '<li>' . $podcast->getTitle() . '</

    It's been a while since I used Eclipse but I recall it used to work there too.