My app takes some data from this API:
GitHub link to my project: (download branch "Refreshing")
There are no compiler errors but when I run my app in the simulator Xcode prints in console:
"Fatal error: Index out of range".
In the ObjectModel.swift I created a class of the object with some data types. One of them is the variable mainPic (URL of picture for TableVeiw that I want to get from the API also). But the problem is not every object in the API contains value of URL of the picture.
So Xcode (when I try to run the app) marks the second line of code block that initialises mainPic variable and the error is:
"Thread 7: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_1386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)"
Here is the whole class in code:
import Foundation
class Houses {
// Data Encapsulation
private var _mainPic: String
private var _localityName: String
private var _routeName: String
private var _mkadDistance: String
private var _rentOffer: String
private var _saleOffer: String
// Make a getted
var mainPic: String {
return _mainPic
var localityName: String {
return _localityName
var routeName: String {
return _routeName
var mkadDistance: String {
return _mkadDistance
var rentOffer: String {
return _rentOffer
var saleOffer: String {
return _saleOffer
// Initialization
init(data: JSONDictionary) {
// Main Picture
if let images = data["images"] as? JSONArray,
pic0 = images[0] as? JSONDictionary, // THIS LINE IS WITH ERROR
mainPic = pic0["url"] as? String {
self._mainPic = mainPic
} else {
_mainPic = ""
// Locality Name
if let location = data["location"] as? JSONDictionary,
localityName = location["localityName"] as? String {
self._localityName = localityName
} else {
_localityName = ""
// Route Name
if let location = data["location"] as? JSONDictionary,
routeName = location["routeName"] as? String {
self._routeName = routeName
} else {
_routeName = ""
// MKAD Distance
if let location = data["location"] as? JSONDictionary,
mkadDistance = location["mkadDistance"] as? String {
self._mkadDistance = mkadDistance
} else {
_mkadDistance = ""
// Rent Offer
if let rentDict = data["rentOffer"] as? JSONDictionary,
rentOffer = rentDict["price"] as? String {
self._rentOffer = rentOffer
} else {
_rentOffer = ""
// Sale Offer
if let saleDict = data["saleOffer"] as? JSONDictionary,
saleOffer = saleDict["price"] as? String {
self._saleOffer = saleOffer
} else {
_saleOffer = ""
Just in case, JSONDictionary and JSONArray are just typealiases:
typealias JSONDictionary = [String : AnyObject]
typealias JSONArray = Array<AnyObject>
will crash with "Fatal error: Index out of range" if the images
array is empty.
Since you're using optional binding, use first
instead of [0]
if let images = data["images"] as? JSONArray,
pic0 = images.first as? JSONDictionary,
mainPic = pic0["url"] as? String {
self._mainPic = mainPic
} else {
_mainPic = ""