My UWP apps suddenly throw the following exception on Win 10 Mobile Build 10.0.14342.1001. They still work fine in the emulators. Is anybody experiencing the same problem? Is there a workaround?
Exception thrown: 'System.ArgumentException' in WinRT information: user Additional information: The parameter is incorrect. user
To ensure the problem is not related to something specific with the apps email messages I sent the following simple message which causes the same problem.
Dim em As New Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessage
em.To.Add(New EmailRecipient("a@b.c"))
em.Subject = "test"
Await EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync(em)
This is a bug in the insider build. No workaround known.
MS was informed about it via feedback and the MS forum.
Got fixed with Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 14356.