What does the question mark in Erlang syntax mean?
For example:
Json = ?record_to_json(artist, Artist).
The full context of the source can be found here.
Erlang uses question mark to identify macros. For e.g. consider the below code:
-define(DEBUG(Format, Args), io:format(Format, Args)).
-define(DEBUG(Format, Args), void).
As the documentation says,
Macros are expanded during compilation. A simple macro
will be replaced withReplacement
This snippet defines a macro called DEBUG
that is replaced with a call to print a string if debug
is set at compile time. The macro is then used in the following code thus:
?DEBUG("Creating ~p for N = ~p~n", [First, N]),
This statement is expanded and replaced with the appropriate contents if debug
is set. Therefore you get to see debug messages only if debug
is set.
Thanks to @rvirding:
A question mark means to try and expand what follows as a macro call. There is nothing prohibiting using the macro name (atom or variable) as a normal atom or variable. So in [the above] example you could use
as a normal variable just as long as you don't prefix it with?
. Confusing, most definitely, but not illegal.