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WinRT - Display popup at application startup not working in Release on real device

I am trying to display a popup when the application starts (the popup is designed to be an interstitial ad).

I'm using the "Popup" class and i'm setting its content / height / width before displaying it.

The application runs on Windows Phone 8.1 winRT.

I have tried several methods but each time :

  • This works on emulator in Debug mode.
  • This works on emulator in Release mode.
  • This works on real device in Debug mode.

But this does not work on real device in Release mode (the popup is not displayed).

This is what i've tried :


InterstitialPopup.IsOpen = true;


DispatcherTimer dt = new DispatcherTimer();
dt.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100);
dt.Tick += (o, o1) =>
    InterstitialPopup.IsOpen = true;


Windows.ApplicationModel.Core.CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
    InterstitialPopup.IsOpen = true;


Task.Run(() => InterstitialPopup.IsOpen = true);


Task t = new Task(() => InterstitialPopup.IsOpen = true );

And combining those methods.

By placing breakpoints i can see that the code is called, but the popup is never displayed on a real device in Release mode.

By calling myself the popup by clicking on a button, the popup is displayed.

I have tried putting the code in various files (App.xaml.cs, in the ViewModel of my first page, in the xaml.cs of my first page, in a file that initializes some parameters of my app, .....).

Do you have an idea of why this works on emulator-release and device-debug but not on device-release ?


  • I'm answering myself.

    The issue was with the initialization of the popup (please note that i still don't know why this didn't work).

    I had this kind of thing :

    MyContent c = new MyContent();
    c.Attribute1 = "something";
    c.Attribute2 = "something";
    Popup p = new Popup();
    p.Child = c;

    And i had to rewrite it like this to make it work on a real device in release mode :

    Popup p = new Popup();
    p.Child = new MyContent()
        Attribute1 = "something",
        Attribute2 = "something"

    This way the popup is displayed when the app starts, running on a real device in release mode.