I have successfully bottled a program with WineBottler to run on Mac OS X but the menu font size is way too small. I have included Wine itself in that program since it's the only program I use it for. I have changed the "screen resolution" setting in winecfg
(in the wine bundle) but it only affects winecfg
itself and not the program that wine is bundled in. How can I make the program itself recognize the setting?
When I change the appearance in Wine, i.e., by running winecfg
contained in the Wine.app and then run my program (*.exe) through Wine it takes all my appearance settings. But when I bottle it with WineBottler it goes back to some default.
WineBottler uses a dual approach when it comes to creating bottles: Bottle and working-copy: Since OS X will prevent some users from changing files in apps in the Application folder, WineBottler will create a mutable working-copy (~/Library/Application Support/BOTTLENAME) when it is first run.
So if you just alter the original generated bottle, it will not be reflected in the working copy.
To change a setting in a bottled App, you either have to
a) reset the bottled app and alter the created app with wine as you did (and the changes will be copied at next run to the newly generated working-copy)
b) you have to alter it in the working-copy, i.e. change the prefix of wine to the working-copy (~/Application Support/BOTTLENAME).