I am using SSH to connect a remote server. I did some installations and wanted to test whether they start after reboot. I rebooted the machine with sudo reboot. SSH session dropped. I reconnected. After login, every command I type, whether it is valid or not returns following output.
-bash: id: command not found
-bash: id: command not found
-bash: id: command not found
-bash: tty: command not found
-bash: uname: command not found
-bash: whoami: command not found
-bash: sed: command not found
-bash: logger: command not found
What to do to get rid of this situation?
Your path
has been messed up and you will have to readd anything needed to your path.
This can be done by issuing the following command
export PATH="$PATH:[directory to append to path]"
in the case of the commands not found this path might get you going on the right path
export PATH="$PATH:/bin"
This however does not keep the $PATH
value across reboots in which case the system file holding the path settings will need to be edited.