Not sure where to look for this but I want to create a semi transparent mask of a view or layer that can move, change opacity and have multiple on screen at once that overlap.
Something to this effect:
Where the two small boxes can move around and change the opacity of the colour.
I have tried with CALayer
mask but that is just punch through so I added a CAShapeLayer
in the hole but you can see the edges. I tried using allowsEdgeAntialiasing
on the CAShapeLayer
but that didn't seem to work.
Other examples I've seen only work with UIImageViews because they use two UIImageViews on top of each other to get the effect. Unfortunately I need this to work over any kind of UIView.
I also tried using CGBlendMode.SourceOut
which works well except the overlapping areas are lighter, which makes total sense but not what I'm after.
let blendMode = CGBlendMode.SourceOut
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.75).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, rect)
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, blendMode)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.25).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 500, 60, 50))
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 1).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(0, 550, 60, 50))
The last two fill rects overlap and the first is to set the entire view to have a semi transparent overlay.
Looks like you can use the blend modes:
This doesn't appear to show edges around the squares when the second box is set to the same alpha as the background
This code generates the top image (called in drawRect):
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, CGBlendMode.Normal)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.75).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, rect)
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, CGBlendMode.Clear)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 1).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(20, 150, 100, 100))
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 1).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(50, 200, 100, 100))
CGContextSetBlendMode(context, CGBlendMode.Normal)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.25).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(20, 150, 100, 100))
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.15).CGColor)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(50, 200, 100, 100))