I am trying to implement the routing slip using spring integration, The configuration is as follows
@Transformer(inputChannel = "inputChannel", outputChannel = "replyChannel")
public HeaderEnricher headerEnricher() {
return new HeaderEnricher(Collections.singletonMap(IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.ROUTING_SLIP,
new RoutingSlipHeaderValueMessageProcessor("channel1", "channel2", "channel3"
, "channel4"
public MessageChannel inputChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
public MessageChannel replyChannel() {
return new DirectChannel();
In order to consult the routing slip after header enricher I have added
This implementation works, but works once in 2 times, after debugging the spring code I stumbled into this code and figured out the problem.
In UnicastingDispatcher Class
private boolean doDispatch(Message<?> message) {
if (this.tryOptimizedDispatch(message)) {
return true;
boolean success = false;
Iterator<MessageHandler> handlerIterator = this.getHandlerIterator(message);
if (!handlerIterator.hasNext()) {
throw new MessageDispatchingException(message, "Dispatcher has no subscribers");
List<RuntimeException> exceptions = new ArrayList<RuntimeException>();
while (!success && handlerIterator.hasNext()) {
MessageHandler handler = handlerIterator.next();
try {
success = true; // we have a winner.
catch (Exception e) {
RuntimeException runtimeException = this.wrapExceptionIfNecessary(message, e);
this.handleExceptions(exceptions, message, !handlerIterator.hasNext());
return success;
Iterator<MessageHandler> handlerIterator = this.getHandlerIterator(message);
gives [org.springframework.integration.jms.JmsSendingMessageHandler#11, routingSlip.replyChannel.bridgeTo.handler]
And it is picking in round robin basis. So once it is picking the BridgeHandler and JmsSendingMessageHandler the next.
Is there any configuration I have missed to consult the BridgeHandler all the time?
It looks like you have two subscribers on the channel.
It is normal to round robin dispatch when there are multiple consumers on a channel.