I would like to compute list being bfs order on binary tree. Moreover, it should work in second side - for list it find tree.
Can you give me some hint, so far I have used something like that, of course it doesn't work...
bfs(nil) --> [].
bfs(t(X, L, R)), [X] --> bfs(L), bfs(R).
Looks like @repeat came up with a nice DCG solution. I had, in the meantime, come up with a "traditional" queue-based solution that is non-DCG:
bfs_tree_list(nil, []).
bfs_tree_list(Tree, List) :-
bfs_q_list([Tree], List).
bfs_q_list([], []).
bfs_q_list([t(X,L,R)|Qs], [X|Xs]) :-
enqueue(L, Qs, Q1),
enqueue(R, Q1, Q2),
bfs_q_list(Q2, Xs).
% "naive" enqueue using append
enqueue(nil, Q, Q).
enqueue(t(X,L,R), Q1, Q2) :- append(Q1, [t(X,L,R)], Q2).
This follows the methodology shown in the links I provided in my comments. It also follows a strict left-to-right traversal ordering which, I believe, is conventional in binary tree traversals. It's a little simpler than those in the links as those are for more general graphs rather than binary trees. The description of what's happening above is simple:
The above code yields:
| ?- bfs_tree_list(t(3,t(1,nil,t(2,nil,nil)),t(4,nil,nil)), L).
L = [3,1,4,2]
(1 ms) yes
| ?- bfs_tree_list(Tree, [3,1,4,2]).
Tree = t(3,nil,t(1,nil,t(4,nil,t(2,nil,nil)))) ? a
Tree = t(3,nil,t(1,nil,t(4,t(2,nil,nil),nil)))
Tree = t(3,nil,t(1,t(4,nil,t(2,nil,nil)),nil))
Tree = t(3,nil,t(1,t(4,t(2,nil,nil),nil),nil))
Tree = t(3,nil,t(1,t(4,nil,nil),t(2,nil,nil)))
Tree = t(3,t(1,nil,t(4,nil,t(2,nil,nil))),nil)
Tree = t(3,t(1,nil,t(4,t(2,nil,nil),nil)),nil)
Tree = t(3,t(1,t(4,nil,t(2,nil,nil)),nil),nil)
Tree = t(3,t(1,t(4,t(2,nil,nil),nil),nil),nil)
Tree = t(3,t(1,t(4,nil,nil),t(2,nil,nil)),nil)
Tree = t(3,t(1,nil,nil),t(4,nil,t(2,nil,nil)))
Tree = t(3,t(1,nil,nil),t(4,t(2,nil,nil),nil))
Tree = t(3,t(1,nil,t(2,nil,nil)),t(4,nil,nil))
Tree = t(3,t(1,t(2,nil,nil),nil),t(4,nil,nil))
(1 ms) no
| ?-
bfs_tree_list(nil, []).
bfs_tree_list(Tree, List) :-
bfs_q_list([Tree|T], T, List).
bfs_q_list(Q, T, []) :- Q == T, !.
bfs_q_list([t(X,L,R)|Qs], T, [X|Xs]) :-
[t(X,L,R)|Qs] \== T,
enqueue(L, T1, T),
enqueue(R, NewT, T1),
bfs_q_list(Qs, NewT, Xs).
enqueue(nil, Q, Q).
enqueue(t(X,L,R), T, [t(X,L,R)|T]).