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LLVM3.8 Makefile.config, Makefile.common and Makefile.rule missing in build folder

so I'm learning about llvm and I decided to build the 3.8 from the tars that I downloaded from LLVM site.

Everything works fine and I managed to build the sources in a separate build folder.

(After downloading all the sources)
$cd llvm3.8/build
$cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm
$make -j 4
$make install

so my dir looks a bit like this:


While learning how to write a LLVM pass I noticed that my build folder is missing these files:

  • Makefile.config
  • Makefile.common
  • Makefile.rule

that I use in the Makefile I have written for the pass I've implemented.

What I know is that the source has these files:

$cd llvm3.8/llvm
CMakeLists.txt      README.txt
CODE_OWNERS.TXT     autoconf        projects
CREDITS.TXT         bindings        resources
LICENSE.TXT         cmake           test
LLVMBuild.txt       configure       tools
Makefile            docs            unittests
Makefile.common     examples        utils  include
Makefile.rules      lib

while my build folder doesn't.

$ cd llvm3.8/build
$ ls 
CMakeCache.txt          cmake                   libexec
CMakeFiles              cmake_install.cmake     projects
CPackConfig.cmake       compile_commands.json   share
CPackSourceConfig.cmake docs                    test
DummyConfigureOutput    examples                tools
LLVMBuild.cmake         include                 unittests
Makefile                install_manifest.txt    utils
bin                     lib

Is my build folder containing what it is supposed to contain? Maybe the pass must be written in the sources llvm3.8/llvm?

Thanks for the help.


  • You are suppose to write your pass in llvm/lib/Transforms/YourPassName

    Create a directory in build:

    mkdir -p llvm3.8/build/lib/Transforms/YourPassName

    I would recommend you to use cmake. As autoconf is going to be deprecated in llvm3.9. For it:

    Add entry in llvm/lib/Transforms/CMakeLists.txt


    After putting the entry, create CMakeLists.Txt in llvm/lib/Transforms/YourPassName like the other llvm passes.

    Now use

    cmake ../llvm3.8

    From inside the pass directory:


    Also if you have install llvm and want to do standalone, use the approach given in this answer: