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Can't deploy a report to SpagoBI Server

I'm trying to deploy a report from SpagoBIStudio 5.2.0 on a SpagoBI Server v5.1.0.

The report works perfectly in SpagoBIStudio (locally in my computer), and I successfully created the data source and the data sets using the web interface of SpagoBI Server.
Nevertheless when I click on the "Deploy" option of my ".rptdesign" file, I see the following dialog and the "Finish" button is always disabled.

enter image description here

For some reason I can select the correct Datasource but the Dataset dropdown list is empty and disabled. I guess this could be the problem.
The data source is a JDBC-Hive connection to Cosmos and the Datasets are defined as HQL queries in both Studio and Server.

Does anybody know why the datasets aren't listed in the deploy document wizard of SpagoBIStudio?

Thanks in advance.


  • you cannot finish the deploy not because of dataset but because you did not select any functionality on the tree on the right.

    You don't have any functionality on server where to store your document, so you should go to server with and administrator user role, then with the menu on the right, on the profile section, select the "functionalities management" menu and create a folder that is child of the root. Give it the permissions you need After this operation try again the deploy and you should be able to select one funcitonality and so have finish button enabled
