Version 1:
struct mydef_s1 {
int argc;
char *argv[3];
struct mydef_s1 *p1 = (struct mydef_s1*) malloc (sizeof (struct mydef_s1));
p1->argv[0] = malloc (8);
p1->argv[1] = malloc (16);
p1->argv[2] = malloc (24);
Now, I want to achieve above with the following structure declaration?
Version 2:
struct mydef_s2 {
int argc;
char **argv;
If I am right, then following would like allocate just 8 bytes (4 for memory pointer & 4 for integer in my machine)
struct mydef_s2 *p2 = (struct mydef_s2*) malloc (sizeof (struct mydef_s2));
What should I do to do the following?
p2->argv[0]= malloc(4);
In the case of a pointer to pointer like
struct mydef_s2 {
int argc;
char **argv;
you have to first allocate the memory for argv
itself, then for argv[i]
Something like (code is without error check)
argv = malloc(n * sizeof*argv); //allocate memory to hold 'n' number of 'argv[i]'s
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
argv[i] = malloc(32); //allocate individual `argv[i]`s
will do the job.