I am trying to replace everything from a data dump and keep only the ten digit numbers from that dump using notepad++ regex.
Trying to do something like this (?<!\d)0\d{7}(?!\d)
but no luck.
There where problems in older versions of Notepad++ which wouldn't handle PCRE expressions. This proposed solution was tested in NotePad++ v6.8.8, but should work in any version later than v6.2.
Replace with: $1
This expression will do the following:
From Notepad++
press the ctrlh to enter the find and replace mode
Select the Regular Expression option
In the "Find what" field place the regular expression
in the "Replace with" field enter $1
Click Replace all
Live Demo
Source Text
After Replacement
( group and capture to \1:
[0-9]{10} any character of: '0' to '9' (10 times)
) end of \1
| OR
. any character except \n
The OP wasn't clear on what to do with substrings of numbers longer than 10 characters. If strings of numbers longer than 10 digits are undesirable and need to be removed in their entirity, then use this
Replace with: $1
Live Demo: https://regex101.com/r/aS4sN1/1