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Overriding multiple global variables with ContextManager

Is there a utility/pattern to override multiple global variables within a context in Python 2.7? IE something like

var1 = someval
var2 = someotherval
with my_context(var1=newval1, var2=newval2,...):
  print var1   # prints newval1


  • Yes, but the fact that it's unittest.mock.patch should tell you something about what this is intended to be used for:

    import unittest.mock
    with unittest.mock.patch('module.thing', replacement_thing):

    If you want to patch several things in the same call, you can use unittest.mock.patch.multiple:

    from unittest.mock import patch
    with patch.multiple(module, thing1=replacement_thing, thing2=other_thing):
        # module.thing1 and module.thing2 are now patched

    Just make sure none of the things you want to patch happen to collide with the argument names of that function (target, spec, create, spec_set, autospec, or new_callable). If they do, fall back to the regular patch.

    If you want to do this for non-unit-testing purposes, you may want to reconsider your design.

    If you're on Python 2 and unittest.mock isn't in the standard library, you can download the backport from PyPI. This one is called mock rather than unittest.mock.