As of yesterday's Google IO Keynote, there seems to be a major update in the way we do UI testing in our projects.
Automated testing is about to see a huge step forward thanks to a new test recorder feature. Developers will be able to start a recording and start using their app. As each action is performed, it is turned into Espresso code that can be played back across a number of platforms, including Google's Cloud Test Lab. This will likely cut time to write tests to a tenth of what it took in the past.
I installed the latest version of Android Studio 2.2 Preview 1 and I am wondering what should I do to enable this feature.
It's finally there! Android Studio 2.2 preview 3 (available here)
Be aware that any existing openened projects will be converted and might not be able to be openened again with older versions! (They do create a backup of the project)
You can stop looking for now.
It's not in 2.2 preview 1 and neither in 2.2 preview 2.
Fingers crossed for Preview 3
Unfortunately the Espresso Test Recorder is still not in this build; we're addressing a few more issues and then hope to have it ready in the next build!
Not until Preview 2 or 3. No dates yet. So I hear, It would be interesting to see how many people have tried to find the feature and was unable to find so far.