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Merge two sets of deep rows in a multidimensional array identified by related column values

I have a scenario where I am fetching data from 2 separate files - a .xml file and a .txt file - and I am trying to use PHP to combine 2 arrays (one from each file) on a matching value from each.

I don't have control over the format of the aforementioned files, so using the following code I have put together so far:

function dir_to_array( $dir, $se ) { 

     $result = array(); 
     $cdir   = scandir( $dir ); 

    foreach ( $cdir as $key => $value ) {

        $file_info = pathinfo( $value );

        if ( ! in_array( $value, array( ".", ".." ) ) ) { 
            if ( is_dir( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value ) ) {  
                 $result[$value] = dir_to_array( $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $value ); 

            } else { 

                if ( $file_info['extension'] == 'xml' ) {

                    if ( isset( $se ) && $se !== 'undefined' ) {
                        if ( strpos( $value, $se ) !== false) {

                            $result['xml'] = xmlToArray( file_get_contents( $dir.'/'.$value ) );


                if ( $file_info['extension'] == 'txt' ) {

                    $file = fopen( $dir.'/'.$value, 'r' );
                    $count = 0;
                    while ( ( $line = fgetcsv( $file ) ) !== FALSE ) {
                        // trying to match the structure of the above array ($result['xml'])
                        $result['txt']['records']['PositionRecords']['record'][$count++] = $line;

                    fclose( $file );

    return json_encode( $result );

echo dir_to_array( 'path/to/something', $arg );

I am able to get the following arrays:

Array 1: .xml

[records] => Array 
    [PositionRecord] => Array 
        [record] => Array 
            [0] => Array 
                [keyword] => "something", // Value to match
                [position] => "1"

Array 2: .txt

[records] => Array 
    [PositionRecord] => Array 
        [record] => Array 
            [0] => Array 
                [0] => "something", // Value to match
                [1] => "1000"

How would I join these arrays on the matching keyword value to end up with an array like this:

[records] => Array 
    [PositionRecord] => Array 
        [record] => Array 
            [0] => Array 
                [keyword] => "something",
                [position] => "1",
                [volume] => "1000" 

I have tried using array_merge, array_merge_recursive and array_combine however they seem only to append one array to the other. I have also tried this answer and this answer which both return an empty array [].


  • Manually merge those arrays:

    $a['records']['PositionRecord']['record'][0] = ['keyword'=>"something","position"=>"1"];
    $a['records']['PositionRecord']['record'][1] = ['keyword'=>"something2","position"=>"2"];
    $b['records']['PositionRecord']['record'][0] = ["something","1000"];
    $b['records']['PositionRecord']['record'][1] = ["something2","2000"];
    for($i = 0, $c = count($a['records']['PositionRecord']['record']); $i < $c; $i ++)
        $a['records']['PositionRecord']['record'][$i]['volume'] = $b['records']['PositionRecord']['record'][$i][1];
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";


    array(1) {
      array(1) {
        array(1) {
          array(2) {
            array(3) {
              string(9) "something"
              string(1) "1"
              string(4) "1000"
            array(3) {
              string(10) "something2"
              string(1) "2"
              string(4) "2000"