<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Item value="257896">
<Item value="523698">
<Item value="856987">
<Item value="123456">
<Item value="123456">
<Item value="123456">
I'm a new bee to PERL, was trying to parse the above XML document. I require the output in the below mentioned format.
Serial Start : 1000
Serial End : 2000
Item : 257896
Price : 00
Sku : 20
Qcode : 27
Item : 257896
Price : 80
Sku : 20
Qcode : 20
... and So on for each child node.
Sample code so far:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
my $xml = new XML::Simple;
my $data = $xml->XMLin("/home/rocky/PERL/doc.xml");
print Dumper($data);
foreach my $imgrec ( @{ $data->{DataElement} } ) {
my $Serial_Start = $imgrec->{Serial_Start};
my $Serial_End = $imgrec->{Serial_End};
foreach my $imgrec1 ( @{ $data->{DataElement}->{Item} } ) {
## Not sure of this code
## Trying on this part.
OK, so here's your problem:
use XML::Simple;
Don't - it only makes your life harder.
Here's a starter for 10 using XML::Twig
- it's not entirely clear what you're doing to get the output you're after, so:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Twig;
my $twig = XML::Twig-> new -> parsefile('/home/rocky/PERL/doc.xml')
foreach my $data_element ( $twig->findnodes('//DataElement') ) {
print "Start:", $data_element->first_child_text('Serial_Start'), "\n";
print "End:", $data_element->first_child_text('Serial_End'), "\n";
foreach my $item ( $data_element -> children('Item') ){
print "Item: ", $item -> att('value'),"\n";
foreach my $tag ( qw ( Price Sku Qcode ) ) {
print "$tag: ", $item -> findnodes (".//$tag", 0 ) -> text,"\n";
Note - this finds the first instance of a particular tag beneath an item - not all of them.