I'm trying to chart some category/count data using FSharp.Charting column charts and everything works as I expect unless the number of columns reaches 10 or more.
From http://fslab.org/FSharp.Charting/BarAndColumnCharts.html.
let data =
[ "Africa", 1033043;
"Asia", 4166741;
"Europe", 732759;
"South America", 588649;
"North America", 351659;
"Oceania", 35838]
let chart = Chart.Column data
So to be clear, the code above is fine but if I add 4 more territories I don't get all the labels....
let data =
[ "Africa", 1033043;
"Asia", 4166741;
"Europe", 732759;
"South America", 588649;
"North America", 351659;
"Oceania", 35838;
"Africa2", 1033043;
"Asia2", 4166741;
"Europe2", 732759;
"South America2", 456789
let chart = Chart.Column data
Does anyone know how I can get all the column names to show up? I can't see anything in the docs that helps.
Have a look at this question: How to show labels on x axis for each element?
In short (the important part is the Interval):
|> Chart.Column
|> Chart.WithXAxis (LabelStyle = ChartTypes.LabelStyle(Angle = -45, Interval = 1.0))