I am trying to generate tags from my ansible project via ctags. But it is still not picking the right strings. Bellow are params I am working with. What am I missing? After successful run I expect to have ./.tags file which will contain all of the tasks names. I am using ctags 5.8 from Homebrew.
BTW I started here -- http://blog.iany.me/2015/02/ctags-for-ansible/
Command: /usr/local/Cellar/ctags/5.8_1/bin/ctags -f .tags --recurse .
--regex-ansible=/^[ \t]*-[ \t]*name:[ \t]*([\w\s]+)\n/\1/i
Example tasks file
- name: install docker-py
pip: name=docker-py version=1.7.2
become: yes
- name: Install tmux
name: tmux
state: present
update_cache: yes
become: yes
I do not insist on ctags. My goal is to have symbols for Atom editor which I could use to quickly jump through my Ansible project.
Reverting to the examples on linked page, made it working. I guess I did the unnecessary changes before I installed ctags from Homebrew