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Implicit defined generic types, is this possible?

I currently want to write a generic extension method. If every generic type is availible in the parameters, I do not need to define the generic types:

//Extension Method
public static GridBoundColumnBuilder<TModel>
     BoundEnum<TModel, TValue>(this GridColumnFactory<TModel> factory,
         Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression);

//I can call It this way, whitout setting <TModel, TValue>
columns.BoundEnum(c => c.SomeProp);

If I want to add a generic type, that is not covered in the parameters, I need to set <TModel, TValue>:

//Extension Method
public static GridBoundColumnBuilder<TModel>
    BoundEnum<TModel, TValue, TEnum>(this GridColumnFactory<TModel> factory,
         Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression)

//How it works:
columns.BoundEnum<TModel, TValue, TEnum>(c => c.SomeProp);

Is there a way that I can only write this?

columns.BoundEnum<TEnum>(c => c.SomeProp);

Edit: This is the full Method:

public static GridBoundColumnBuilder<TModel>
     BoundEnum<TModel, TValue, TEnum>(this GridColumnFactory<TModel> factory,
              Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression)
    where TModel : class
    where TEnum : struct, IComparable
    return factory.ForeignKey(expression, EnumHelper.ToSelectList<TEnum>());


  • If the compiler cannot infer all generic types then you have to pass them all. There's no support for partial inference.